Blue Needle Lemurian | Rare 8 Sided Face | Master Grounder | 01
Location | Sento Sé, Bahia, Brazil
Size | 6.5" L
Special Characteristics | This crystal has a rare 8 sided faceted main face. This is known as a master grounding crystal. The shape often resembles a stop sign. This is a good way to remember the energy of this crystal. They help you stop and ground! One way in which we suggest using them is by placing your thumb on the grounding face (largest face) and press and hold to ground your energy. We suggest using your favorite grounding meditation with this as well.
How do you know if you need grounding? If you are feeling spacey or flighty, not quite all the way in-body… any time you feel the need to be more grounded is a good time to work with this crystal.
Energy Profile | Every crystal has been cleared and activated, waiting to work with you! These special crystals have a very rare inclusion that appear only when bright direct light is angled correctly into the lemurian quartz. Blue needle V like lines appear! These are a result of gas trapped in the quartz during growth. This is known as the Tyndall Effect. For more information on the energy profile of these Lemurians please read our blog post found here.
If you would like additional photos of any crystal please DM us on IG @souloflemuria
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