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Pele's Dream Lemurian Roots

We are very excited to not only be able to bring you "Pele's Dream" Lemurians, but also the very roots from these crystals! These are the mother Quartz from which all these crystals grew. Rare to find, but then again, do these Lemurians do anything that isn't rare??

Pele's Dream Lemurians come from the same mine as the Red Dreamcoat Lemurians, alongside a waterfall in the Topaz Mountains in Cristalina, Brazil.  To learn more about these crystals I suggest you watch the live replay on Instagram where we go in-depth on these.  It can be found on the account: @SOLinsider

Want to learn how to work with Lemurian roots?  Go check out my blog. 

To view and shop the Pele's Dream Lemurians, click here

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2 products


Jen's Intuitive Pick (20 Gram) Packet
Jen's Intuitive Pick (50 Gram) Packet