Red Dreamcoat Lemurians
Dreamcoat Lemurian crystals are found close to the Cristalina Lemurian mine in Brazil. These deep "reds" are from deeper in the pocket and even have that older energy to them.
Dreamcoat Lemurians specifically: The distinct difference between the Dreamcoat Lemurians and any other crystal in the pocket is that the Dreamcoat Lemurians are similar to an onion analogy. These crystals will work with you to peel back the layers on whatever is energetically standing in your way, and patiently wait to work with you. Like all crystals from this pocket, they will aid you in manifestation.
These red dreamcoats, in my opinion, have a Kundalini energy connection. When you connect with it you will feel a deep "love", soon followed by an energy "rising".
The term kundalini is used to refer to the vital force or energy that we all hold within us. Often called the “sleeping goddess” or “serpent power”, it is represented as a serpent coiled around the first chakra or root chakra at the base of the spine.
Imagine the chakra system as existing on a single electrical circuit that runs lengthwise up the spine with lights at the location of each of the chakras. As Kundalini rises and travels up the spinal column, it passes through each of the chakras on its way giving each a boost, so to speak, and making it light up.
These Red Dreamcoat Lemurians seem to help to activate the Kundalini energy to "flush" out that which no longer benefits us.