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Unity Lemurians

What is a "Unity Lemurian"?  

These are a new find from 2019!  We feel very confident in calling these Lemurians.  Many of the crystals have a crystal clear inner core with Lemurian markings.  Crystals that did not develop the second growth are typical of the Cristalina lemurians found in the area. The second growth has more of a golden tone, crowned with amethyst tips.   As is typical with this type of amethyst growth, the amethyst that is found on these are light in color. We have had these tested and it turns out that the golden color is a result of microscopic goethite rutile! Also typical of the Unity Crystals are Isis faces! Rare in the Unity crystals are also the coveted "zippers," as they have come to be called. These zippers are exposed inner cores and druse growth growing to close up the seam.  Truly beautiful little specimens!

Want to learn about their metaphysical properties and more? I have written a complete guide found here: "Dreamcoats, Unities and Cora, Oh My!"

It is my pleasure and honor to midwife these crystals and send them out into the world! 

 Unity Lemurian Sets




 Unity Lemurian Points

Unity Lemurians

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