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Article: SOL Family Note October | November 2022

SOL Family Note October | November 2022

SOL Family Note October | November 2022

(Pictured above is the new Smoky Golden Dreamcoat Lemurian)

Dear SOL Family,

As I sit to write, I am blessed to be able to watch the sun set behind a cluster of trees bursting with beautiful gold and burnt sienna leaves.  These trees remind me how beautiful and satisfying it is to let go! The trees are not resisting natures instruction to let go and hibernate so they can continue to grow and bloom anew. I am grateful for this insight, because October has personally been challenging for me.  The collective energy has also felt heavy; big highs and really low lows.

This month’s SOL note is going to be a little different.  In fact, it’s going to be October AND November’s SOL note.  I am feeling the call to share personally on what I do to handle depressive energy.  My intention is not to preach or even suggest that one should do what I do. It’s simply to say, here is my own struggle and what works for me. I hope you might find solace in knowing you aren’t alone, or you may draw inspiration for yourself.  I would like to also share the results of some of my inner-soul work as there is a special gift I am feeling called to offer from now through November. Lastly, I will share a new Dreamcoat find that appeared during this time!

On a global scale, I feel ready to have a few consecutive days in a row where we are not experiencing a major historical event or global crisis. Are you with me? That wish aside, what does this do to the collective energy?  By collective energy, I'm referring to the general energy of any given group or environment.  As we know, everything has energy; the energy of our thoughts, beliefs and emotions all have a big impact on the collective energy.   As someone who picks up on those energies, it has been a roller coaster!

The energy from Hurricane Ian was very intense before it even made landfall.  If you were experiencing migraines around that time, I kindly offer that this may have been part of it.  On a personal note, my family has had some hard news this month and my attention and assistance needed to be placed there.  At one point I found that I was on emotional overload, exhausted and feeling very low. Over the course of the past few months, I have been writing in these SOL notes that we were entering a period of change, growth and ideological change (personally and globally).  I recognized that I was feeling overload from the collective and bombarded on the personal front.  I see this as my time to do the inner work for growth and healing that I've been telling everyone we are going to be given the chance to do.  This is what I call soul work. As you may have noticed I stepped away for a bit in October and I sought help with trusted energy healers and others where I could process things in a healthy way. If I don’t do this, I can’t see myself through the weeds of the situation in order to do the soul work. For myself, when doing this soul work, it doesn’t look pretty. It isn’t necessarily quick, and in fact is a lifelong exercise. It isn’t clean and tidy.  But it’s a commitment that I can renew every day.  I also acknowledge the days that I just need to be, and push self-judgement to the exit ramp.

One important question I ask myself in times like this is: what DOES feed my soul?  A big part of what feeds my soul is connecting with each of you.  The work I do with crystals (finding them, clearing them, waking them) and helping you connect to receive messages that aid in growth and healing feeds my soul!  As some of you know, part of that inner soul work has been trying to discern how best to share my channeled messages from collectives and what responsibility I hold with the accuracy of that message being morphed into something else once it’s shared.  The discomfort my soul has had with this is not that my ego wants to receive credit.  Rather, I feel a responsibility to the accuracy of the message.  

I have felt guided to shift my focus at this time to working one-on-one with my clients and their crystals.  I believe that when you feel that special pull to bring a crystal into your collection, it is for a reason.  I love when I am given the opportunity to work together with a client and activate a crystal.  What does this process look like? It is different with every person, but what I do is make sure the crystal is clear and if it is not, then I clear it and activate the crystal.  This activation, or what I call “waking them up” was taught to me through an attunement I had while working and channeling lemurian collectives. What happens next can vary between people, but in general a message is given in how this crystal wants to work with the person.  This can be in a very specific healing of trauma, or to aid in the healing of physical pain, or as a tool for your own attunement and soul’s growth. Sometimes there are specific messages attached, code activations, mantra’s, prayers and more.

I really feel that this is the best use for my gift at this time. To help celebrate this I am going to offer “Crystal Activation” sessions at a discounted rate  ($33.33) from now through the end of November! These sessions will be one-on-one with me, over the phone or on zoom for up to 20 minutes.  I only require that after you have purchased your session that you email a picture of your crystal and a recent picture of yourself.  If you have a crystal that you’ve been a little iffy about, or one that you feel is trying to connect with you, this would be a great time to give this a try.  This would also be great with any Lemurian!  If you have been wanting to try this and find out what it is all about, now is the time! You can click here  to book a session or learn more!

Speaking of crystals, it is no surprise to me that during this time of heavy energy comes a new find!  Smoky Golden Dreamcoat Lemurians! These are 100% natural and they have been found in a new pocket in the Unity Lemurians mine in Cristalina, Brazil! Having worked with them, the difference I find between these and the other Golden Dreamcoat Lemurians is that these help with shadow work. They help to offer divine guidance and protection as you embrace the work you need to do. How do I know these were not heat treated? Let’s dive into this question and talk about facts.

During the Tucson Gemshow this year many shop owners were noticing that there was something off with the amount of polished golden citrine available. It’s not normal to have that much natural golden citrine. I shared that I was aware that there was indeed a new way they were heat treating crystals to get that golden color.   Here are just the facts: In a text conversation with a fellow shop owner in 2020, I questioned the amount of citrine I was seeing coming out of Brazil.  It was at this time I was told a new way of heat-treating citrine had been discovered using what we here call the Pele Lemurians.  They had found that using naturally smoky citrine crystals and heating them in oil resulted in the smoky being removed and a pure golden citrine left behind. I personally view this as heat treating. I asked my suppliers if this was true and received confirmation.

Now, as you know earlier this year, I purchased more Red Dreamcoat Lemurians. It was during that conversation that I was told there were smoky red dreamcoats, but I was told by my supplier they “had been put in oil.”  Here is a screenshot from that conversation.

It reads:

Me: thank you my friend, the money has been sent.

Them: Great. Thank you.

Them: Also there is smoky.

Me: Smoky what?

Them: The boy has brought smoky reds.

Me: Smoky? Wow! Amazing!

Them: The boy says they were put in the oil. I don’t think you want. Not natural.

Me: Oil? Do you mean they were polished or put in oil like heated?

Them. No no. no polish. Heat.

Me: Oh I see. Thank you for telling me.

So focusing on facts: that is what was shared with me. I do not know what oil or the process. Yes, I know how smoky quartz is irradiated in a lab. Given the information I had been given about the new way of removing smoky from citrine in oil, I felt it likely they found a new way here too.  And thus, I shared my caution.  It felt like the responsible thing to do.

That now brings us to this new find of Smoky Golden Dreamcoat Lemurians. Given all of the above, I was certain to make sure these were natural.  I was sent videos of these being pulled from the earth and I know these are 100% natural. Helpful pro-tip: Did you know that one way of telling if a smoky quartz has been irradiated is by holding it up to light and looking for color variation?  Natural smoky will have color variation.         

These new Smoky Golden Dreamcoat Lemurians will be available during this weekends live sale on IG!  Look for them to be in Saturday’s sale 10/22 starting at 7pm ET and Sunday’s sale 10/23 starting at 4:30pm ET. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this SOL note! I hope you found something within it helpful and educational! Above all, know that you are not alone <3 Thank you for being the best SOL family!

Cheers, Jen





Thank you, Jen, for providing information about the crystal treasures you bring us. I love getting the education. I love knowing the history of the crystals. I can purchase knowing that what you offer is the real deal.

Christine Kieffer

Thank you Jenn for sharing the facts!
It’s hard for us either novices or old-timers
to recognize facts from fiction unless someone like yourself does the investigation work!

Robin Waterbury

Thank you for sharing this personal and crystal info. Yes, it was reassuring. I too, have felt the migraines,sinus infection and the extreme heaviness of the energy. I have questioned myself a lot. I always ask myself, it this me feeling this way, is this others in my sphere( coworkers,clients, friends) or the world/ planetary shifts or all of the above. I then try to parse out details,so I can respond appropriately. I have been working extra hard to stay doing good work with clients. There has been so so much work and heaviness.
I have said aloud many times recently that it is too much. I have at times gritted my teeth to the point I thought my teeth would break during the day at the hospital !!! I have imagined the disney movie where the sorcers apprentice is bailing out the water even as more water is coming in.That has been me clearing and teaching and bailing as I have felt the waters rise. Thank god for humor and healing! Thank you for sharing . I know I am not alone ,but hearing this from you actually helped a lot. I value what you bring to this world beyond measure.


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