
Voyage through the Stars with Galactic Lemurians
In the heart of Brazil, nestled within the rugged landscapes of Diamantina, lies a hidden treasure of profound significance to crystal collectors world wide: Lemurians. These unique and rare crys...
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Hydrothermal Starbrary Lemurians | Tools for Transmuting Energy
There is a new find from Serra do Cabral, Brazil. They are Smoky Hydrothermally Etched Quartz. I am not sure whether people realize this yet, but these crystals have appeared in two different lo...
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I am so excited to be able to share this new find with you! During the pandemic in 2020 I purchased this new find from Araçuaí, Brazil. As my followers know, I like to “get to know” a crystal an...
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Working with "Blue Needle" Lemurians
Have you ever seen the phenonium of blue needles inside a Lemurian? I had not, and certainly did not have one in my own collection. You can imagine my excitement when I was offered a dozen of ...
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Beginners Guide to Lemurian Starseed Crystals
"In my view, all Lemurian crystals are tools of ascension. By that, I mean they are tools to help us grow spiritually and emotionally (and I would also say intellectually and some would also say ...
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"Blue Tara Quartz" from Itacambira, Brazil
To the best of my knowledge, and research, Blue Tara Quartz has only been found in one location: Ipupiara, Brazil. Mineral testing has already been done on this material by Little Lemuria, wh...
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Acicular Aragonite or is it Calcite? Otherwise known as "Root beer Aragonite" on the market, these specimens originate from the Hunan Province in China. When it c...
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SOL Family Note October | November 2022
"I am blessed to be able to watch the sun set behind a cluster of trees bursting with beautiful gold and burnt sienna leaves. These trees remind me how beautiful and satisfying it is to let go! T...
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What are Adaptogenic Crystals?
Let's talk about Adaptogens, a relatively "new" scientifically proven substance. I'd like to dive in by looking first at what adaptogens are, how the science developed and lastly the results of te...
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